Sunday, August 13, 2006

gOod finds...quiCk Links.

since the bum on coredump hasn't provided these yet, i'm going to point out some great sites...

tinyurl -> take a super huge web address and mAke a nice small one that easily fits onto one line!

Monk-E-mail -> need a good laugh? turn the soUnd on and listen to these monkeys!

bibliophil -> like books? check out this liNk for creating your own library and loan system.

LinkedIn -> thinking about Finding a new job? join a network...

biospace -> biotech/pharma/clinical research news and jobs.

epicurious -> recipes and ratings galore. includes bon appetit and gourmet magazine's online sites.

Woot! -> haven't tried this one yet myself but the story is - "one day. one deal." let me know what you think...

have any other links worth Checking out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here's another good site: -> for building your website!